

  • plant-based soy candle icon

    Plant-based candle

Source: Florida, USA

Romeo and Juliet🌷

"Inspired by the Leo DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet. Complete with undertones of botany tinkering and what I imagine that floral Hawaiian shirt would have smelled like. Sensual ylang ylang and jasmine, two of the most romantic smells there are and both strong aphrodisiacs are the heart of this blend. Rounded with a hint of green tea and tender rose."

「受李奧納多 · 狄卡皮歐(Leonardo DiCaprio)主演的《羅密歐與茱麗葉》啟發,融合植物學的細膩巧思,想像著那件花卉夏威夷襯衫散發的迷人香氣。「情人」香氛的核心,來自感性的依蘭依蘭和茉莉花,兩種最浪漫的香氣,也是強效的催情劑。以一抹青茶和柔嫩玫瑰收尾,令人沉醉... 」

About Bohemian Rêves🪬

Bohemian Rêves creates dreamy, small batch and hand poured botanical candles. User friendly, vegan and organic - Bohem focuses on formulating plant based skin love for the everyday bohemian.

Bohemian Rêves 專注創作夢幻、小批量手工澆注的植物蠟燭。Bohem 產品以人體友好、純素和有機為特色,專注於為日常波西米亞風格人士配製植物性護膚產品。

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