Our story

“The link between you and God (the divine) is through the breath of life” - Yogi Bhajan

「你與上帝(至高)之間的聯繫,是透過生命之息(呼吸)」瑜伽大師 昆達利尼

SikFuKap 息呼吸 Natural Incense, Sourced worldwide 高級天然線香

Our ethos 我們的理念

Slow down and Take a Breath

Breath is Everything. Everything is Breath.

SikFuKap sourced the traditional high-grade incense from around the world. We invite you to take a moment, and let the scent guides you towards a deeper connection with your breath and the present moment.


SikFuKap 息呼吸 從世界各地搜羅傳統高級線香,為的是讓您可以停一停,專注呼吸,享受當下。與神聖內在連結,讓豐盛之流進入。

SikFuKap founder 息呼吸創辦人 Natural Incense 高級天然線香

About founder 關於創辦人

Life ain't easy, but it's fun

After completing my studies in Biology and Engineering, I took a surprising turn and became a fashion designer. However, I faced tremendous pressure with work and family, which took a toll on my mental health.

During this challenging period, I discovered 3 powerful tools that transformed my life: Incense, Breath, and Myself ☺️

Through my journey, I connected with artisans worldwide, delving into the healing properties of incense and gaining a deeper understanding of such precious Earth's gifts.