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Source: LITHUANIA 立陶宛

DELLINGR 黎明之神 德林格

In Norse mythology Dellingr was a personification of dawn. Nótt (the goddess of night) and Dellingr had a son – Dagr. Parents gave to Dagr a present of two horses, whose shining manes illuminate the whole earth, and two war chariots, which they put high up in the sky, so that Dagr could ride across the sky dome all day and all night.

在北歐神話中,Dellingr 是黎明的化身。他和妻子每天早上都會駕駛太陽馬車升起太陽,為世界帶來光明。Dellingr 象徵著新一天的開始,代表著希望和光明。他提醒我們,即使在最黑暗的夜晚之後,黎明也終將到來。當您點燃Dellingr 線香,就如同迎接新的一天,黑暗消散,開啟充滿希望和喜悅的旅程。

100% natural plants ✴

• Frankincense: Symbolizing sacredness and purification, its aroma aids in calming the mind and body, allowing for deeper immersion in prayer and meditation.

• Juniper: Used since antiquity to ward off evil spirits, fosters strength, discernment, and resilience. It shields the aura, aids in navigating challenges, and promotes self-mastery, authority, and noble qualities.

• Sandalwood: its aroma harmonizes and calms, helps to reduce stress and turmoil. Eastern cultures believe that this aroma is particularly attractive to various deities, because they open energy flows and cleanse chakras.

• Nards: the smell of nards is believed to help fight depression, especially when it is caused by a person’s low self-esteem. It rejuvenates and activates the body’s energy centers.

• 乳香:東方三博士獻給耶穌的禮物之一。在古希臘,乳香樹脂常用於祭壇和寺廟,因為它可以減緩和加深呼吸,平靜身心,沉浸在祈禱和冥想中。

• 杜松:有助於培養堅定的性格和毅力,以及識破謊言的能力。它保護氣場免受侵害,幫助在任何困境中迅速找到正確的道路。

• 檀香:其香氣和諧而平靜,有助於減輕壓力焦慮,打開能量流,並淨化脈輪。

• 甘松:它的氣味被認為有助對抗憂鬱症 (尤其由自卑所引起的憂鬱症),它可以恢復並激活身體的能量中心。

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