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Sik Fu Kap 息呼吸 ODIN Natural Incense 眾神之王線香 / Focus spell 增強自信和決斷力

Source: NEPAL 尼泊爾

ODIN 眾神之王 奧丁

In Norse mythology Odin is the chief god, the god of war and wisdom. Odin dwells in the gods’ world Asgard, where from his throne Hliðskjálf he looks over the whole world. Odin is said to have given life to the first humans Ask and Embla.

在北歐神話中,Odin 是眾神之王,戰神和智慧之神。Odin 居住在神界阿斯加德,從他的王座赫利斯庫爾夫俯瞰整個世界。據說奧丁賦予了人類阿斯克和艾姆布拉生命。他能激發您的內在力量和智慧,如同Odin 的戰神之勇和智慧之光照亮您的內心。

100% natural plants ✴

• Juniper: Used since antiquity to ward off evil spirits, fosters strength, discernment, and resilience. It shields the aura, aids in navigating challenges, and promotes self-mastery, authority, and noble qualities.

• Nag Champa: produced from the blossoms of a holy tree, Cobra’s Saffron, from Himalaya to Sri Lanka and Andaman Islands. It symbolizes sexuality, fertility, passion and love.

• Agarwood: Considered a cleanser for the soul, it possesses powerful energy that can banish evil spirits.

• 杜松:有助於培養堅定的性格和毅力,以及識破謊言的能力。它保護氣場免受侵害,幫助在任何困境中迅速找到正確的道路。

• 龍涎香:它來自喜馬拉雅山至斯里蘭卡和安達曼群島的聖樹「眼鏡蛇藏紅花」。它象徵著性、生育、激情和愛。

• 沉香:沉香:鎮靜心情、減輕焦慮和緊張情緒,增強內心的平靜和安寧感,幫助使用者更容易達成目標。

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